Comparing addiction treatment outcomes across different care providers and approaches might seem like an apples-to-apples assessment, but it’s not.
Premier Information on Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers
What Do Addiction Treatment Outcomes Actually Measure?
Drug Recovery is a
Lifelong Commitment
Nearly half of the people who are going through addiction are also struggling with the plight of mental health disorders. You must uncover the root of the problem and address it properly to ensure that you can have the resources to get treated for your whole condition, not just the withdrawal symptoms.
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Signs and Symptoms of Drug Addiction
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of drug addiction is the first step in getting the help you need for yourself or a loved one. Addiction manifests itself in the body, mind, and behavior; to help spot the symptoms of drug addiction you can read about how you can tell if someone is on drugs by checking out this article.
More on Specific Substances and Illicit Drugs
Prescription painkillers
Drug Addiction Statistics and Success Stories

Marijuana is the most widely abused drug in the US
With over 6,500 first-time users a day in 2012, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. In that same year, over 5 million Americans reported that they were using marijuana every day, or almost every day.

Columbia University reports that children and teens
Who smoke marijuana — a common “gateway” drug — are 85 times more likely to advance to harder drugs, like oxycodone. The younger they are when they start smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol, the greater the chances that these children will become heavy drug users later in life.